Registered  UK Charity  No. 1127571 Background music  -  Higher Consciousness  -  Kind permission of Philip Chapman and New World Music Mail:
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Reverend Malcolm will always talk to you in person confidentially  assured Email: People and Animals DONATIONS
Patient  Testimonials

All our testimonials are 100% true,  we have no need to exaggerate,

this is the important work we do with our doctors in spirit

The power of spirit will always shine through

Mother:   Osteo Arthritis and Misc. problems.

Daughter:   Stress,   not sleeping,   general ill health

 Before my Mother had spiritual healing from you, She was in constant pain with her arthritis, and her mobility was decreasing quite rapidly.   

After she started receiving healing,  a lot of the pain disappeared and her mobility improved a lot.

Other members of our family noticed the improvement in our Mothers health and are very happy at this.

Over the years I have been through some very stressful situations, and it began to take toll on my general health and my outlook on life.         

Trying to feel positive about anything was a practical impossibility,

but thanks to Malcolm, I now feel a different person.

My health has improved,  sleeping at nights is now no longer a problem,  and I feel much lighter in myself, as if a heavy burden has been taken off my shoulders.     

My Mother & I would recommend Malcolm to anyone as he is a

 gifted healer who has helped both my Mother & Myself

.     Jackie  & Jane               Birmingham

Patients do not have to know if I am sending out distant healing to them

I know your healing will help her,  I remember years ago before I knew you,

I phoned you and asked you to send healing to my Mum and Emma.

They both benefited from it and Emma who was agoraphobic was seen a few weeks later in the town of Hereford,  and she had lost loads of weight too.

Her daughter Rosie tells me she is still slim after years of being overweight.


And Mum was on pain killers for sciatica and when I saw her later she told me she didn't need to take the tablets any more.

Of course neither of them ever knew that healing was

being sent to them from Reverend Malcolm,

and J  doesn't know either.