Registered  UK Charity  No. 1127571 Background music  -  Higher Consciousness  -  Kind permission of Philip Chapman and New World Music Mail:
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Reverend Malcolm will always talk to you in person confidentially  assured Email: People and Animals DONATIONS TOUR  Locations  we  have  visited

Ludlow Shropshire


Note the

Spirit Orb

Ludlow,     Shropshire   2011                                          St Column    Cornwall   2011              

       Mithian Downs,      north coast                                     Shrewsbury   Shropshire    2012

                        Cornwall    2011                                                          A 2000 year ion age fort site      


                     Wocestershire   2012                                   Church  Streeton     Shropshire    2012

             In a cider apple & pair orchard                                    over looking the Long Mynd

Ludlow   Shropshire     2012                                     close to the south  Cornish coast

Over looking the Clee Hills                                                               May  2013